Document Databases Comparison - MongoDB vs Couchbase vs RavenDB vs MarkLogic

August 25, 2021

Document Databases Comparison - MongoDB vs Couchbase vs RavenDB vs MarkLogic

Choosing the right document database can be a daunting task with so many options available in the market. Document databases offer flexibility, scalability, and ease of use, making them a popular choice for developers. In this comparison, we will be discussing and comparing the features and attributes of some of the top document databases: MongoDB, Couchbase, RavenDB, and MarkLogic.


MongoDB is one of the most popular document databases that use BSON (binary-encoded JSON) format to store data. It offers a flexible schema model with dynamic fields, making it suitable for an ever-changing data environment. MongoDB uses sharding for horizontal scaling and supports replication with automatic failover for high availability.


  • Flexible schema model with dynamic fields
  • Supports sharding for horizontal scaling
  • Automatic failover for high availability


  • No built-in graph traversal support
  • Can get pricey with advanced features


Couchbase is another popular document database that offers high performance, scalability and ACID transactions. It supports a flexible data model that can store JSON, binary, or key-value data. Couchbase uses a distributed architecture that can scale horizontally without any downtime. It also supports cross-datacenter replication and automatic failover for high availability.


  • High performance with ACID transactions
  • Flexible data model supporting JSON, binary or key-value data
  • Supports cross-datacenter replication and automatic failover


  • No built-in graph traversal support
  • Can get pricey with enterprise features


RavenDB is a NoSQL document database that offers a flexible data model with support for JSON and binary formats. It uses an ACID-compliant transaction model and supports sharding for horizontal scaling. RavenDB also offers advanced querying capabilities with dynamic indexes and full-text search. It supports automatic failover and cross-datacenter replication for high availability.


  • Flexible data model supporting JSON and binary formats
  • ACID-compliant transaction model
  • Advanced querying capabilities


  • No built-in graph traversal support
  • Limited scalability options


MarkLogic is a NoSQL document database that supports XML, JSON, and RDF data models. It offers ACID transactions and automatic failover for high availability. MarkLogic also offers a powerful search engine that can search data in all three formats. It supports flexible replication and indexing capabilities, making it suitable for complex data modeling.


  • Supports XML, JSON, and RDF data models
  • ACID-compliant transaction model
  • Powerful search engine


  • Expensive pricing model
  • No built-in graph traversal support


MongoDB, Couchbase, RavenDB, and MarkLogic are all excellent options for document databases, each with their pros and cons. Choosing the best one depends on your specific needs and use cases. If you're looking for horizontal scalability, MongoDB and Couchbase are the best options. RavenDB and MarkLogic are suitable for more complex data modeling and advanced querying capabilities. At the end of the day, the choice rests with your unique requirements.


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